Hey there,

Are you ready to know the secrets, behind living life?

Wait! Why do I ask you this question in this section? 

Well! I will answer this question later, but first of all who am I? You guys are curious! I know you guys are curious.

Hi, my name is Saikat Laha. I am a 23-year-old, small-town boy, who has a lot of queries related to life and happiness.

And you guys don't believe I have a lot of questions in my mind every time (if anyone listens to these questions, he may think I am a fool!) and try to find the answer to these questions.

One of the interesting questions that I have, I want to share with you all?

The question is - "What is the actual moment in your life when you think that you have achieved something?"

Well, let me tell you the story behind it.

After my Grad, all of my friends try out for getting jobs and want to settle their life.

At the same time, I am finding answers to these types of questions.

After observing it minutely and going through the advice of some entrepreneurs, I got my answer.

The answer is getting just a "Naukri" (9 to 5) is not the settlement of your life. You can say, it is a part of life (Although now the definition of jobs are totally changed, due to the internet revolution).

Life has different chapters just like a book. So reading only one chapter and thinking that "I am so wise!"  is not a good decision.

 There are so many fields like - fitness, fashion, grooming, love, relationship, personal finance, spirituality and so on.

When all these boxes are ticked then you will be a complete man or woman.

And this is the one and the only reason to start this blog, to help you, to prepare you and mostly to heal you.


Now you may think that "What will I get from this blog?"

Let me tell you -

  • All kinds of work from home jobs (or you may say remote jobs).
  • Latest Internships, Scholarships and Courses to grow as a learner.
  • Tons of new skills will help you to be productive and updated with the fast-changing world.
  • A bunch of self-improvement content. I wish someone told me this early in my life.
  • Smart investments strategies that will always be applicable and based on practical knowledge.
  • Inspirational stories of the world's top personalities who do an epic in their own fields.
  • Summaries of knowledge worthy books create a bombardment of knowledge in your brain.

I have seen that a lot of young people who just started their 9 to 5 job with full of intensity, moving with the time it fades away. 

I saw that a chank of people is not really happy with their life. But why?

After some research, my 23 years brain find the probable answer. It is because they aren't able to find the actual meaning of life!

Bold statement, Hah! But it is the reason.

Let me tell you something if you are given butter chicken daily is it truly acceptable?

 Even that is the best quality food which you like most, but if you consume it daily this will taste fuzzy.

Assume you are in a relationship. But after a couple of days you realize that you are not happy with each other, then what should you do?

You may break up! Right?

Then why it is not applicable in your life?

You hate your job and you love to follow your own passion, then what stops you?

Do you know why? It is because of a lack of courage and patience.

I am not a person who only does criticize and criticize. I am not that uncle who loves to talk about politics whenever he gets a chance.

And according to him -

  • This thing is bad
  • That person should not be the Minister
  • That is not the perfect approach
  • All stuff is hopeless
  • We should leave the country

I know the last one was intense, but we all have one such uncle in our family!

At least I had!

I don't show you the problems only. I also have solutions or at least a path that helps you in your crooked way.

There is nothing pleasurable compared to helping people and solving problems. If they are happy that will be the greatest gift of your life.

It is the only back end of starting this blog. All contents are based on self-improvement and mostly to make you a better person.

Because I believe the hard and fast rule of your life is to upgrade yourself every time whenever you get a chance.

The math shows that - if you improve 1% each day, you become 37 times better by the end of the year.

On the other hand - 1% worse each day means you lose 97% value each year.

These are the Power of Compounding. 

Now make your choice wisely!

When I was a kid I don't find anyone to tell me that life has so many colours. I was just told that "If you want to get a happy life study now".

But now I realize at that time, with studying if I focus on some other aspects like self-improvement, communication skills, problem-solving, I will be 2x better than myself now.

By starting this blog I will help millions and millions of people to become fall in love with their life.

Frankly writing initially I thought to start a "Job Site" but eventually I change my mind with the above questions.

Hope the journey to make a happy and lovable life of the next 100M people will go long enough.

Stay tuned with us!

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